Saturday 19 September 2009

The Greatest Game

My love of rugby league, neglected and derided though it often is, started at the Welsh home of the fifteen man version, the Millenium Stadium in Cardiff. Leeds versus Bradford turned an affection into fanaticism. Luckily someone went and set up the Celtic Crusaders (very kind of them) for me too support. Lovely.

However this blog ironically is set up to save people from it. Or to be more exact to save the few readers of my main blog,, from having to read about it. You more discerning readers will of course snort with derision at such tomfoolery and check here for words of wisdom almost every day, at least.

My main blog concerns a fluttering, barely breathing writing career currently being pursued most vigorously on Luckily I find myself writing about the jeu a treize more then any other subject so far. And rightly so. I like this effort especially: League of Their Own. Let me know if you are feeling it.


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